How to Login to Data Explorer on CODE-DE FRA1-1 Cloud

CODE-DE hosts petabytes of earth observation data in EODATA repository. Data Explorer at enables you to

  • Order fresh data

  • Order archived data

  • Order data that requires processing

  • View your orders

  • Track the progress of your orders

  • Browse the history of your orders in one place

In addition, it will allow you to

  • Upload your own AOI in Polygon (geojson, kml)

  • Provide support for multipolygons (.wkt)

  • Provide advanced, more intuitive searching

  • Search by type eg. Optical, Radar, Altimetry, DEM

  • Use on-the-fly created Query URL

  • Use workspace to keep all data under one roof.

In this article we show how to log into the Data Explorer.

What We Are Going To Cover

  • Opening the Data Explorer website

  • Logging in to Data Explorer


No. 1 Account

You need a CODE-DE hosting account with Horizon interface Create a new account if you need, by visiting

Step 1 Open the Data Explorer website

Navigate to the Data Explorer website: .

You should see the following page:


Step 2 Log in to Data Explorer

Click the Login button in the top right corner.


Enter credentials for your CODE-DE account and click Sign in.


You will be redirected to the previous page.

If you logged in successfully, the buttons in top right corner should be replaced by a welcoming message:


What To Do Next

Now that you have gained access to the Data Explorer, you can start browsing, downloading and ordering products.

Here is how to download a single product:

How to Download a Single Product Using Data Explorer on CODE-DE FRA1-1 Cloud

To make them usable, the products should be processed first:

Processing of products with Data Explorer on CODE-DE FRA1-1