How to mount Network Drive over SSH in Windows on CODE-DE

You can mount VM disk to your system using SSH.

To do that you have to download and install the following programs:

Firstly you have to convert your Private Key to OpenSSH format.

To do that, please launch PuTTy KeyGenerator, then choose your Private Key by going to File - Load Private Key.


Then, please export your Private Key by going to Conversions and then Export OpenSSH key.


After that, you can close PuTTy and open SSHFS-Win-Manager:


To add a new connection, simply click on Add Connection:


Then you’ll see window where you can specify all connection details.

Here’s a short description of the options.

  • Name - you can specify connection name

  • IP/HOST - that’s simply your VM floating IP

  • PORT - default it’s 22 (SSH port number)

  • USER - specify user name to authenticate with

  • AUTHENTICATION METHOD - you can choose two authentication methods, by password or using OpenSSH key

  • PATH - set path to Directory that you want to mount

  • DRIVE LETTER - you can choose on which letter the new drive will be named



Under the KEY FILE option I chose the path to the OpenSSH key file that has been exported before.

Then click save. You’ll see that a new connection has been made.


Then just click the link button.

Then your drive should be mounted.
