Private container registries with Harbor on CODE-DE Kubernetes

A fundamental component of the container-based ecosystem are container registries, used for storing and distributing container images. There are a few popular public container registries, which serve this purpose in a software-as-a-service model and the most popular is DockerHub.

In this article, we are using Harbor, which is a popular open-source option for running private registries. It is compliant with OCI (Open Container Initiative), which makes it suitable to work with standard container images. It ships with multiple enterprise-ready features out of the box.

Benefits of using your own private container registry

When you deploy your own private container registry, the benefits would be, amongst others:

  • full control of the storage of your images and the way of accessing them

  • privacy for proprietary and private images

  • customized configuration for logging, authentication etc.

You can also use Role-based access control on Harbor project level to specify and enforce which users have permission to publish updated images, to consume the available ones and so on.

What We Are Going To Cover

  • Deploy Harbor private registry with Bitnami-Harbor Helm chart

  • Access Harbor from browser

  • Associate the A record of your domain to Harbor’s IP address

  • Create a project in Harbor

  • Create a Dockerfile for our custom image

  • Ensure trust from our local Docker instance

  • Build our image locally

  • Upload a Docker image to your Harbor instance

  • Download a Docker image from your Harbor instance


No. 1 Hosting

You need a CODE-DE hosting account with Horizon interface

No. 2 A cluster on CODE-DE cloud

A Kubernetes cluster on CODE-DE cloud. Follow guidelines in this article How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using CODE-DE OpenStack Magnum.

No. 3 kubectl operational

kubectl CLI tool installed and pointing to your cluster via KUBECONFIG environment variable. Article How To Access Kubernetes Cluster Post Deployment Using Kubectl On CODE-DE OpenStack Magnum provides further guidance.

No. 4 Familiarity with deploying Helm charts

See this article:

Deploying Helm Charts on Magnum Kubernetes Clusters on CODE-DE FRA1-1 Cloud

No. 5 Domain purchased from a registrar

You should own a domain, purchased from any registrar (domain reseller). Obtaining a domain from registrars is not covered in this article.

No. 6 Use DNS service in Horizon to link Harbor service to the domain name

This is optional. Here is the article with detailed information:

DNS as a Service on CODE-DE FRA1-1 Hosting

No. 7 Docker installed on your machine

See How to use Docker on CODE-DE.

Deploy Harbor private registry with Bitnami-Harbor Helm chart

The first step to deploy Harbor private registry is to create a dedicated namespace to host Harbor artifacts:

kubectl create ns harbor

Then we add Bitnami repository to Helm:

helm repo add bitnami

We will then prepare a configuration file, which we can use to control various parameters of our deployment. If you want to have a view of all possible configuration parameters, you can download the default configuration values.yaml:

helm show values bitnami/harbor > values.yaml

You can then see the configuration parameters with

cat values.yaml

Otherwise to proceed with the article, use nano editor to create new file harbor-values.yaml

nano harbor-values.yaml

and paste the following contents:

adminPassword: Harbor12345

These settings deploy Harbor portal as a service of LoadBalancer type, and the SSL termination is delegated to NGINX that gets deployed along as a Kubernetes pod.


We use for demonstration purposes only. Please replace this with a real domain you own while running the code in this article.

For demonstration we also use a simple password, which can be replaced after the initial login.

Now install the chart with the following command:

helm install harbor bitnami/harbor --values harbor-values.yaml -n harbor

The output should be similar to the following:

NAME: harbor
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Aug  1 15:48:44 2023
NAMESPACE: harbor-bitnami
STATUS: deployed
CHART NAME: harbor

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **

1. Get the Harbor URL:

  NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
        Watch the status with: 'kubectl get svc --namespace harbor-bitnami -w harbor'
    export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace harbor-bitnami harbor --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{ . }}{{ end }}")
    echo "Harbor URL: http://$SERVICE_IP/"

2. Login with the following credentials to see your Harbor application

  echo Username: "admin"
  echo Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace harbor-bitnami harbor-core-envvars -o jsonpath="{.data.HARBOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)

Access Harbor from browser

With the previous steps followed, you should be able to access the Harbor portal. The following command will display all of the services deployed:

kubectl get services -n harbor

Here they are:

$ kubectl get services -n harbor-bitnami
NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                                     AGE
harbor                  LoadBalancer   80:32417/TCP,443:31448/TCP,4443:31407/TCP   4h2m
harbor-chartmuseum      ClusterIP    <none>           80/TCP                                      4h2m
harbor-core             ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP                                      4h2m
harbor-jobservice       ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP                                      4h2m
harbor-notary-server    ClusterIP    <none>           4443/TCP                                    4h2m
harbor-notary-signer    ClusterIP    <none>           7899/TCP                                    4h2m
harbor-portal           ClusterIP    <none>           80/TCP                                      4h2m
harbor-postgresql       ClusterIP     <none>           5432/TCP                                    4h2m
harbor-postgresql-hl    ClusterIP      None             <none>           5432/TCP                                    4h2m
harbor-redis-headless   ClusterIP      None             <none>           6379/TCP                                    4h2m
harbor-redis-master     ClusterIP    <none>           6379/TCP                                    4h2m
harbor-registry         ClusterIP     <none>           5000/TCP,8080/TCP                           4h2m
harbor-trivy            ClusterIP    <none>           8080/TCP                                    4h2m

Explaining the purpose of several artifacts is beyond the scope of this article. The key service that is interesting to us at this stage is harbor, which got deployed as LoadBalancer type with public IP

Associate the A record of your domain to Harbor’s IP address

The final step is to associate the A record of your domain to the Harbor’s IP address.

Create or edit the A record through your domain registrar

The exact steps will vary from one registrar to another so explaining them is out of scope of this article.

Create or edit the A record through the DNS as a service available in your CODE-DE account

This is explained in Prerequisite No. 6. Use commands DNS –> Zones and select the name of the site you are using instead of, then click on Record Sets. In column Type, there will be type A - Address record and click on Update field on the right side to enter or change the value in that row:


In this screenshot, the value is already entered into that Update field – you will, of course, here supply your own IP value instead.

With the above steps completed, you can access harbor from the expected URL, in our case: Since the chart generated self-signed certificates, you will first need to accept the “Not Secure” warning provided by the browser:



This warning will vary from one browser to another.

To log in to your instance, use these as the login details





Create a project in Harbor

When you log in to Harbor, you enter the Projects section:


A project in Harbor is a separate space where containers can be placed. An image needs to be placed in a scope of a specific project. As a Harbor admin, you can also apply Role-Based Access Control on the Harbor project level, so that only specific users can access or perform certain operations within a scope of a given project.

To create a new project, click on New Project button. In this article, we will upload a public image that can be accessed by anyone, and let it be called simply myproject:


Create a Dockerfile for our custom image

The Harbor service is running and we can use it to upload our Docker images. We will generate a minimal image, so just create an empty folder, called helloharbor, with a single Docker file (called Dockerfile)


mkdir helloharbor
cd helloharbor
nano Dockerfile

and its contents be:

FROM alpine
CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo 'Hello Harbor!'"]

Ensure trust from our local Docker instance

In order to build our Docker image in further steps and upload this image to Harbor, we need to ensure communication of our local Docker instance with Harbor. To fulfill this objective, proceed as follows:

Ensure Docker trust - Step 1. Bypass Docker validating the domain certificate

Bypass Docker validating the domain certificate pointing to the domain where Harbor is running. Docker would not trust this certificate, because it is self-signed. To bypass this validation, create a file called daemon.json in /etc/docker directory on your local machine:

sudo chmod 777 /etc/docker

You are using sudo so will be asked to supply the password. Now create the file:

nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

and fill in with this content, then save with Ctrl-X, Y:

    "insecure-registries" : [ "" ]

As always, replace with your own domain.

For production, you would rather set up proper HTTPS certificate for the domain.

Ensure Docker trust - Step 2. Ensure Docker trusts the Harbor’s Certificate Authority

To do so, we download the ca.crt file from our Harbor portal instance from the myproject project view:


The exact way of installing the certificate will depend on the environment you are running Docker on:

Install the certificate on Linux

Create a nested directory path /etc/docker/certs.d/ and to this folder upload the ca.crt file:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/
sudo cp ~/ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/
Install the certificate on WSL2 running on Windows 10 or 11

In WSL2, you would need to upload the certificate to Windows ROOT CA store with the following sequence:

  • Click on Start and type Manage Computer Certificates

  • Right-click on Trusted Root Certification Authorities then All tasks and Import

  • Browse to the ca.crt file location and then keep pressing Next to complete the wizard

  • Restart Docker from Docker Desktop menu

Ensure Docker trust - Step 3. Restart Docker

Restart Docker with:

sudo systemctl restart docker

Build our image locally

After these steps, we can tag our image and build it locally (from the location where Dockerfile is placed):

docker build -t .

Next we can log in to the Harbor portal with our admin login and Harbor12345 password:

docker login

Upload a Docker image to your Harbor instance

Lastly, push the image to the repo:

docker push

The result will be similar to the following:


Download a Docker image from your Harbor instance

To demonstrate downloading images from our Harbor repository, we can first delete the local Docker image we created earlier.

docker image rm

To verify, view it is not on our local images list:

docker images

Then pull from Harbor remote:

docker pull